Friday, April 07, 2006

Bad designs: part I

The picture shows my sister's hair dryer. It has two switches, one to control the rate of airflow and one to set its temperature. Mapping the switches, we have:

Switch #1:
0 - turn off / no airflow
I - lower speed fan
II - high airflow
Switch #2:
0 - normal temperature
I - warm
II - hot

Notice that both switches are too similar, they are the same size and the same shape, but they have different functions. Also there are no icons to make the switches different. Thus, the users have to remember their positions before using it.

I don't know about you, but I'm not good in memorizing things. So, when I'm using this hair dryer, I usually turn on the temperature switch first accidentally. But nothing happens, because it’s the wrong switch. Then, I turn on the other one and a hot powerful airflow strikes my hair. As I hate hot air, I have to turn off the previous switch quickly.

Using this hair dryer is always an adventure!

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