Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Top Keywords

Most of my friends don't have enough time to spend it reading this blog. So, I don’t expect that my posts will be read by them or by any other visitor. Even so, depending on the words used in my texts, this page can be reached through search results of sites like Google or Yahoo.
Thus, in the hope of attract new visitors, I looked for the top search terms used in web searches and I put them in this post.

One of the top search term used is the word "sex". If I combine it with related keywords like teen, tits, girls, nude, lesbian, breasts or voyeur, maybe a lot of perverted adolescents will find my blog. Famous girls like Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez also have thousands of searches every month. So, if a boy type "Britney Spears Nude" in a search engine, there is a chance this page will be reached.

But if I want to attract women to my blog, I should write terms such as: “baby names”, “hair styles” “Horoscopes” and “George Clooney”.

Also there are those keywords that are ever in vogue: free, download, eBay, dogs, music, lyrics, anime and games. Nowadays, Oscar, Lost, Viagra, bomb and hurricane Katrina should be the top searched terms.

Maybe the strategy of writing just once each top keyword is not enough to highlight this blog in search results' pages. Therefore, many sites use the follow cheat: (select the lines bellow)
Oscar Lost Viagra bomb anime games dogs free download eBay photos music lyric Mapquest Pamela Anderson Britney Spears Angelina Jolie Jennifer Lopez Paris Hilton George Clooney teen girls nude sex lesbian sex Hairstyles, hair styles baby names Horoscopes
I’m not sure if it will work. Let’s wait a couple of days and try some searches on Google. Probably this strategy will not work, because no page links to this blog (the Google mechanism also takes into account the amount of links from other pages that point out to my page).

If you are interest in learning more about the top search terms, check these sites:

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